Abstract template
For abstract preparation please use the ICQ12 template: doc or pdf file. The abstract template describes required margins,
font size and style etc. Abstracts should not be longer than one page. If you cannot use the doc file please format
your abstract according to the instructions given.
Abstract template is available in doc and pdf format.
Abstracts should be sent to Conference Secretariat (Radoslaw Strzalka, icq12@fis.agh.edu.pl) in both pdf and doc (if possible) format.
Please, type in the e-mail title the keyword "icq12 abstract". The e-mail should also content the preference for presentation type
(oral or poster) and under which topic you will be presenting (list below)
Tentative topics for ICQ12:
1. Formation, growth and stability
2. Structure and modeling (including new experimental techniques)
3. Mathematics of quasiperiodic and aperiodic structures
4. Physical properties: electronic, magnetic, dynamical, mechanical etc.
5. Surfaces and overlayers
6. Applications: structural materials, coating, catalysis etc.
7. Metamaterials: polymer, macro molecules, photonic/phononic crystals etc.
8. Related topics: incommensurate/modulated structures, metallic glass, complex metallic alloys, clathrate compounds, clusters etc.
The deadline for abstract submission for oral presentation applicants is 3 May 2013.
The deadline for abstract submission for poster presentation is 14 June 2013
Organizing Committee will review the submitted abstracts. Due to the tight schedule of the meeting,
some papers may be accepted as those for poster presentation even if the authors wish to perform oral presentations.
Authors will be informed of acceptance and whether their presentation will be oral or poster by end of May 2013.